
  • Roed Dolan posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago

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    On retrospect I would like to add that after the antichrist takes over the world at the 3.5 year point that no one will be able to buy or sell without taking the mark–better known as the great tribulation. Some Christians balk at the idea of owning gold and silver saying it is worldly to accumulate earthly treasures, and it is, but I am not talking about storing up treasures on earth for worldly ambitions, I am talking about having resources to survive the coming economic storms– like how bout not being able to buy or sell without “the mark.” I believe that is how satan will get many to take the mark–he will strip them of their resources and then they either take the mark or starve to death. This is being caused by a tiny quirk in the law, wherein the U.S. Treasury cannot call in for redemption, forced or otherwise, gold bullion coins held by U.S. This, in turn, makes the Chinese Gold Bullion Panda Coins, which are issued by the Bank of China, the only officially authorized issued gold bullion coin of a major foreign government, exempt from U.S. What does the treasury define as a numismatic coin?

    Treasury redemption. Why? Because, buy tramadol online cod are denominated in the Yuan, China’s official currency, which is a non-convertible currency, in accordance with BIS’s definition. The most recent treasury document regarding the definition of numismatic has defined numismatic gold as coins that are at least worth two times their bullion value. In April 2020, an investigation by The Sunday Times’ Insight team revealed Prime Minister Boris Johnson had skipped five COBR meetings in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. Here, we deliver five that just may help you put the brakes on a serious accident in the future. Doesn’t God tell us to go to the ant and learn from her storing up for the future? tramadol 100mg for sale in the interest of keeping my word to you I must tell you I am hearing we will see this today at some point… If you pay off the total in six months there is no interest. Personally I would rather avoid that conflict and own non-confiscateable gold, if there is such a thing. The only thing that’s changed is how much faculty and staff are paid. Silver coins are much more usable for survival in a crash, than gold, since silver’s purchasing power more approximates the value of things a person might want to obtain.

    This post h as been c re ated with GSA C​onte​nt Gen᠎erator Demover​sion!

    Any of Group A, B, or C could also think about friends and relatives in rural areas, they might go to if they had to bail out of their home in the city. Group C can do all the above, and likely also have a well-stocked refuge place far away from the high population centers. We should strive to be in that group of “God’s people”, whose hope and trust is in the Lord. I would counsel people. If the American people understand the injustice of our financial and banking system, it will revolutionize America. My understanding that most of our funds will be in QFS and not banking. The thing to remember, is that during a crash, it is likely that there will be a Bank holiday declared by the president. Those will be readily accepted during a crash, and a little less, the common silver 1 oz coins sold by the US, Canadian or Mexican government.

    In a currency crash/economic crash, real usable goods mean a lot and retain real value. 6. Old Facebook accounts typically use real information to ensure their establishment. I firmly believe that in the future–before the rapture–the economies of the world will collapse and I believe that gold will be a way to help insulate yourself and your family from financial difficulties–because gold is one of the most ancient mediums of exchange and stores of wealth. Preparing for that time would require much more extensive preparations than just preparing for a financial collapse. So preparing might prevent that situation from developing–not that any true Christian will take the mark. Your portion might be progressively expanded until the medication begins working well and assisting you with your ailment. Even very modest preps done beforehand, when things are available and inexpensive, will serve anyone well. Well they took it in 1933 by making it illegal to own more than $100 of gold and I believe that it is highly possible that in a crisis they will do it again!