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    Awake’s non-profit mission is to help end opioid addiction by providing individual ibogaine treatment and integration grants and guidance through FEAT, the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment. You would come in and in one night we’re gonna cure your addiction with ibogaine or we’re gonna solve all your issues, and it sets an expectation of this quick fix again which is very part of our society and our culture. This is ongoing. So there’s different levels of success and depending on what country you’re working, you’re gonna have a different outcome. They have no mercy. This is the phase two trials that MAPS carried out, but we still don’t have very clear, like a clear understanding of again, how does this impact our culture at large in really changing minds and opinions about these substances? 0:30:16 BL: And so I don’t feel the ADF fights against judges, or the judicial system, but kind of more seeks partnerships with judges and the judicial system to really educate them properly and say, “Okay, this is what you really have in front of you, and just base your decisions on that complete notion of what these practices are about, what motivates people to really engage with these practices, and what do we know about them really, in terms of threat to public health.” They talk about safety, all of that, so that’s really, it’s for…

    ​Th᠎is  data w᠎as creat ed ​by GSA Conte​nt᠎ Gen​er at or Demover᠎si᠎on​!

    But many of us don’t actually know that we actually have a choice. We have these tangibles of, okay, we know that MDMA treats PTSD and can cure it in 69% of cases, right? iboga for sale don’t know how to do that any better than they do. Malacara says his move to Beond was motivated by the opportunity to offer more than what he calls “cookie-cutter” ibogaine treatment: “It was the opportunity to produce new protocols, new approaches, and to have a vision to treat patients as individuals, adapting a general protocol to be flexible to the needs of every single patient,” he says. So we saw this is really an opportunity within this kind of grayish genre of where ayahuasca and the other plants are really not illegal in most countries, it’s really an opportunity to educate. In Russia, ayahuasca is illegal. 0:34:47 PA: And this plays out in the ayahuasca world, for example, there’s a difference between making ayahuasca at home, which anyone besides a curandero or a shaman should probably not do, to actually doing proper research, going down to the Sacred Valley or Peru or Colombia, finding a proper curandero or shaman and then actually working with them through that.

    0:31:45 PA: And how has that process been going? 0:33:44 PA: I think that’s been one positive aspect of this time around with psychedelics and plant medicine is, by and large, most of the media coverage has been very, very positive. Indigenous peoples of Central Africa have been using the plant as a vital part of their religious ceremonies for decades. Writer and human rights activist Ifetayo Harvey received a WPR grant to present the keynote speech in New York City at the launch of the People of Color Psychedelic Coalition (working title), a new group she founded for people of color to change the discourse around psychedelics, plant medicine, and harm reduction in New York City this September. Several months later, the Oakland, Cal., city council approved a similar measure for a variety of fungi- and plant-based psychedelics. In that case, Temer went to talk to Putin and asked for extraditing to Brazil, but they said, “No. So all of a sudden, the impact is not just within the court case, and they were acquitted in a very good way.

    0:32:50 BL: But I think always the awareness you bring, even if it’s within one judge or sometimes in the media because in the Chile case, for example, the media really lynched these people. For example, with Michael Pollan’s recent book that’s been published, he was on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, the front page of the New York Times Magazine, he’s been on the Colbert Show, all over the place. So just bringing that in front of a judge, really, they’re used to cocaine trafficking, guns, a lot of money, sometimes violence, and then there’s this person with a brown bottle with some feathers in front, and they are like, “What the hell is this? It’s not even about the ayahuasca, it’s about everything around it as well, and people being trained in long traditions for years, really learning in that tradition, and then bringing that culture to another place in the world.