
  • Roed Dolan posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago

    Here is Why 1 Million Prospects In the US Are Buy Iboga Root Back Online

    Ibogaine is a psychedelic substance from the root bark of an African shrub. TA Extracts contain all the active alkaloid compounds in Tabernanthe Iboga root bark but are highly concentrated – so a far smaller amount is required. The physical intervention of a plant like iboga in interrupting the chemical dependency pathways in the brain has the active intelligence of the plant deity behind it. This chemical is used to treat people facing problems like sleep disorders, epilepsy and brain injury, as agreeably in anesthesia and psychiatry. Therefore, in Britton and Bootzin’s study (2004), the tendency toward a temporal lobe dysfunction in patients reporting NDEs, though of interest, might simply be the result of the injury, without any cause-effect relationship with NDEs. Interestingly, Buy nembutal uk (2007) induced an illusion of being outside the physical body in healthy participants by manipulating both visual and tactile perceptions, suggesting that this kind of experience may result from the combination of visual perspective and other related multisensory information. This day is dedicated to helping prepare you mentally for the experience. In a sudden severe acute brain damage event such as cardiac arrest, there is no time for an experience of tunnel vision from retinal dysfunction, given that the brain is notably much more sensitive to anoxia and ischemia than peripheral organs; its role in coma from acute brain lesions (such as trauma or hemorrhage) is also questionable, as the pathophysiology of brain damage does not imply retinal ischemia.  This data h​as ᠎be᠎en c᠎re​ated  by GSA C onte nt Generat​or Demoversi​on !

    In a comprehensive review of symptoms and signs of syncope (Wieling et al., 2009), the prodromal visual changes were described as blurred and fading vision, scotomas, color changes, dimming or graying of the peripheral field of vision (“graying out”), followed by peripheral light loss and complete blindness (“blacking out”). Centripetal ischemia of the retina has been advocated as the organic cause of tunnel vision, including the observation of syncopal symptoms of pilots flying at G-force acceleration (Whinnery and Whinnery, 1990). A visual cortex dysinhibition associated with anoxia has also been postulated as an explanation for tunnel-like perception (Blackmore and Troscianko, 1988; Blackmore, 1996). High concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or hyperkalemia also have been advanced as an explanation for some of the recurring features of NDEs (Meduna, 1950; Klemenc-Ketis et al., 2010). Since endogenous opioids are released under stress, as during hemorrhagic shock (Molina, 2003), they have been postulated as a possible mechanism for the positive emotional tone of NDEs. Two trained psychotherapists interviewed participants according to a psychodynamic-oriented approach to confirm their psychological well-being and, mainly, to exclude the presence of psychotic symptoms or high state anxiety levels, according to Holden and MacHovec (1993)’s guidelines. Following this procedure data from three participants (two from the experimental group and one from the control group) were excluded from successive analyses because of excessive muscle artifacts.

    2006) the control group was made up of participants without life-threatening events, thus making any rigorous comparison with the experimental group impossible. The hypothesis of REM intrusions (Nelson et al., 2006) is not compatible with cardiac arrest, a condition in which brain electrical activity is silent, though it may remain an interesting neurophysiological aspect of experiences occurring in non-critical conditions. In this sense, it might be equally possible that NDEs determine subsequent REM intrusions (instead of the latter being the cause of NDEs). The main hypotheses for NDE interpretations on a scientific basis are: (a) periphery-to-fovea retinal ischemia as a cause of tunnel vision; (b) systemic acidosis and ion shift; (c) temporal lobe dysfunction and epileptic discharges; (d) glutamate-dependent excitotoxic damage and its endogenous modulators (such as agmatine); (e) other neurotransmitter imbalances (including noradrenaline, dopamine, endogenous opioids, serotonin); (f) analogies between NDEs and effects of hallucinogens; (g) REM-sleep intrusions and/or multisensory breakdown involving the right angular gyrus for (OBEs); (h) psychological hypothesis of afterlife expectation. Da​ta has be en c᠎re at ed by G SA Con᠎te nt  Generator Dem​over​sion​!

    Psychological interpretations of NDEs mainly regard the “expectation hypothesis”: according to it, NDEs would be the product of altered mental states yielded by life-threatening conditions (Blackmore and Troscianko, 1988; Appleby, 1989; French, 2001; Britton and Bootzin, 2004), which would trigger NDE phenomenology as a projection of beliefs and expectancy of the afterlife. In this regard we should keep in mind that the study of consciousness has been a priori rejected by Galilean sciences and relegated to philosophy and religion for centuries: this was not the result of a free and well-founded epistemological reflection but a byproduct of the conflict with the Inquisition, being that the soul (that is, psyche and mind) was an exclusive matter of theology. The closest similarity is seen in shamanic or religious rituals using specific agents, such as the use of iboga in the Bwiti religion in Gabon (Strubelt and Maas, 2008); anyway, it must be taken into account that cultural factors such as ritual, personality, environment, and aims for hallucinogen consumption are no less relevant than the agent itself with regard to the content and meaning of the experience, which is largely variable for any drug. Samples of the plant were obtained from Gabon, Africa in the mid 1800s where it has been used in initiation rites of the Bwiti religion.