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    He added, “The draft budget is still up to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to audit it in coordination with a special committee from the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year,” indicating that, “according to government estimates that we have informed about the price of a barrel of oil.” In the general budget it will be between 42 – 43 dollars. Away from what the parliament is witnessing regarding the upcoming budget, Al-Saffar explained that “there are negotiations between the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund regarding changing the exchange rate of the dollar,” and this matter. Member: There is supposed to be a BIG surprise before Christmas this year. And on that, today, Sunday, a Foundation for Studies, the Iraqi government’s monthly expenditures exceeded the 6 trillion dinars barrier for the month of October, surpassing the general average for the year of 5.7 trillion Iraqi dinars. Not only that, but as a well-informed member of Montana’s traveling public, I knew my rights had been squashed by the heavy-hauling transport crew. Data w as created  by G SA Conte​nt  Ge nerator  DEMO​.

    On the other hand, a member of Al-Iqtisadiah, Mahmoud Al-Zajrawi, expressed his fear of a third borrowing scenario by the government. Have you been hand-picked by the government? Successful exceptions have added entertainment and experiential features, added big-box stores as anchors, or converted to other specialized shopping center formats such as power centers, lifestyle centers, factory outlet centers, and festival marketplaces. However, there are some exceptions. Regarding the possibility of Iraq borrowing again to fill the deficit, Saleh stated that “borrowing depends on the budget law and is determined by law in the House of Representatives,” pointing out that “there are limits to the borrowing process,” noting that “the danger lies in relying on one resource, oil, and setting its prices in the outside”. Budget was passed and in gazette but they did not put in gazette for several weeks. Lanier put it like this: “One service performed by representative democracy is low-pass filtering.” The drawbacks of direct democracy, and the reasons why we today have representative democracies however haven’t yet been fully acknowledged.

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